Ognjen Zrinšćak
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Oculoplastic Surgeon and Neuro-Ophthalmologist
Ognjen Zrinšćak was born and raised in Zagreb where he got his highschool diploma. After graduating from the University of Zagreb School of Medicine and working through the internship in Clinical Hospital for Traumatology, he was transferred to Sisters of Charity Hospital in Zagreb where he specialized in ophthalmology. From 2008 on, he works at Sisters of Charity Hospital, Ophtalmology Department, Oculoplastics and Orbit Surgery Unit.
He deals with problems of eyelids, orbit and nasolacrimal duct mainly, but he also specialized in retinal deseases and conditions as well as Neuro-ophthalmology. He finished his subspecialty in Eyelid, Tearduct and Orbit Surgery in 2017 and an additional one in Neuro-ophthalmology in 2019.
He is primarily interested in eyelid reconstruction, nasolacrimal surgery, surgical procedures on eyelids and orbital bone decompression in thyrroid eye desease patients.
Regular additional education and advancement is a part of his job and Dr Ognjen Zrinšćak has been an active participant in Ophtalmology and Oculoplastics Reconstructive Surgery Conferences and Congresses regularly. He has been additionally educated in Specialized Clinics in München, Mainz, Frankfurt, Manchester and Wienna and he took up numerous specialized courses in Wienna, Schruns, Berlin, Barcelona, Leipzig, München and Amsterdam.
Dr Zrinšćak is a member of the organizational congress committee for the Croatian Ophthalmological Society. As a part of Sisters of Charity Hospital team, he organizes and teaches Plastic and Reconstructive Eye Adnexa Surgery Course every year. His scientific research as well as educational work was published in many papers and books. He recently became a postgraduate student at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, where he works on his Ph. D. thesis.
His favourite surgical procedure is restoring natural look and function of the periocular area, especially eyelids, regardless of whether the cause of the condition was aging, injury or tumor process.